- Dicono di noi
Dicono di noi
Amiamo costruire relazioni durature e vere con i nostri clienti. La loro disponibilità ad esprimere apprezzamento per i nostri prodotti e servizi è la migliore ricompensa al nostro lavoro.
Ecco cosa dicono di noi alcuni dei nostri clienti.
Maggio 2022
ENERGY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION , sul perchè della scelta della tecnologia EXERGY per la realizzazione del primo impianto di recupero del brine geotermico nelle Filippine:
“[Radial Outflow Turbines] … are much more compact and efficient, and use a lot less cement when they’re being constructed. Even the footprint of the radial outflow turbine plants we are buying from Italian manufacturer Exergy is much greener than the tech that was available as recently as 10 to 15 years ago… [These turbines] … will produce geothermal power at a more efficient level.”
Aprile 2018
AKCA ENERJI a proposito dell'impianto geotermico di TOSUNLAR avviato nel 2015:
“The unit was installed successfully in 2015 utilizing the world’s first 2 pressure level single ORC turbine. The project, which was the first installation of a Radial Outflow Turbine by EXERGY in Turkey, represents a key milestone for both EXERGY and AKCA. AKCA is pleased with the decision to work with EXERGY and has no hesitation in recommending them to other potential customers.”
Marzo 2018
KARKEY KARADENIZ ELECTRIK URETIM A.S – ora KARYEK – a proposito degli impianti geotermici Umurlu 1 and 2 implementati nel 2015 e 2016:
“The plant has worked well, achieving performance above the targets guaranteed by EXERGY. We greatly appreciated EXERGY’s full commitment to our geothermal project which proved essential to allowing Karkey to benefit from the additional feed-in-tariff for made in Turkey components and achieving the high availability record for both units. This is thanks to Exergy’s responsive and competent after-sales service, provided both on site and through proficient and timely remote control.”
Novembre 2017
EDA RENOVAVEIS, commentando l'avviamento dell'impianto geotermico di Pico Alto durante la cerimonia di inaugurazione in Novembre 2017:
“The construction project was a technical and management challenge, with several contractors working at the same time and, on some occasions, under harsh climate conditions. This was effectively overcome thanks to close cooperation between all the highly-specialized teams, successfully lead by EXERGY. We are very pleased with the initial production results. Over the first 2-months of operation, the Pico Alto power plant has been providing a stable and reliable supply of 4 MW of electricity to the grid. Maintaining this high performance in 2018, the annual production of the Pico Alto power plant will likely exceed the forecast made before the construction of the power plant.”